Page 4

Old Smiley they said was a very nice bloke
He didn't drink and he didn't smoke.
        But he had no plan
        To open the can
So he was to choke on the Coke and croak.

                         Bob Ollier.

There was a small boy from Chepstow
Who became a star at an air show
       He decided he might
       Fly a very large kite
And was carried aloft by the air flow.

                            Bob Ollier.

There was a young girl of Aberystwyth
Who took grain to the mill to get grist with
       The miller's son, Jack,
       Laid her flat on her back
And united the organs they pissed with.


There was a young girl of Baroda
Who built an erotic pagoda;
       The walls of its halls
       Where festooned with the balls
And the tools of the fools who'd bestrode her.

There was a young man from North Hants
Whome, to prove he was not scared of ants,
         Sat down on a hole
         Was bit to his soul
He should have been wearing his pants.

                              Bob Ollier.

There was a young man from Berlin
Whose tool was the size of a pin.
       Said his girl with a laugh
       As she fondled his shaft,
"Well, this won't be much of a sin."


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