Delicacy of Sight

                 When I was young I had many dreams 
                   One day I hoped to fulfill those schemes
                 Sailing and skiing and flying a plane
                   Champion perhaps of the ten pin lane.

                 Leading a team to a mountain peak
                  Or wild animals in Africa I'd seek
                 Trekking, jumping or running perhaps
                  Or saving my team from imminent collapse.

                 But in the factory where I worked
                  Safety precautions I frequently shirked
                 Warned quite often but no notice I took
                  My safety glasses hung nearby on a hook.

                 I was grinding away like I did every day
                  When something went badly astray
                 There was a loud noise and a blinding light
                  And something sharp interfered with my sight.
                 I collapsed to the ground my language profound
                  And in my ears was a loud roaring sound
                 From that day to this I don't know was amissed
                  But from my lucrative job I was soon dismissed.

                 Well I'm still young and I still have my dreams
                  But now I'm less likely to fulfill my schemes
                 I really didn't know that eyes are so frail
                  But I know now 'cos I'm writing this in brail.

                                            Bob Ollier

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